Kaizen - International Companies Registrations, Information and costs on business and company registrations in China, Hong Kong, offshore tax havens
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Offshore Company
            HONG KONG...
Hong Kong Investment Environment
The simplicity of procedures for investing, expanding and establishing a local company, low tax, common law ssytem are major attractions for foreign investment in Hong Kong.

Types of Business Entities in Hong Kong
The principal forms of business organisation are the limited-liability company (both public and private), branch office, partnership and sole proprietorship. Most foreign investors form limited-liability companies, but in some cases they opt to form branches.

Features of Hong Kong Company
The principal type of company available to foreign investors in Hong Kong is Limited Liability company (LLC). A limited liability company requires only one director, one shareholder, one local Company Secretary and a local street addres as registered office.

Step by Step Guide to Purchase a Readymade Company
A radymade (off shelf) company refers to a company which has already been officially registered by corporate agents for sale, but no director(s) has/have yet appointed. The registration procedures of a readymade company could be completed in one day.

Registration of Non-Hong Kong Company
Foreig Companies intend to carry out business in Hong Kong need to apply for registration as Non-Hong Kon company, formerly known as Overseas Company, within one month of establishing a place of business in Hong Kong.

Maintenance of Hong Kong Company (LLC)
Once incorporated, a Hong Kong company, both local companies and overseas companies, is required to comply various requirements imposed by relevant laws and regulations. ...

A partnership is formed where a person joins with other people to conduct business for profits. Partnerships may be set up for a certain period or for an indefinite period....

Sole Proprietorship
The establishment and operation of a business in the form of a sole proprietorship are relatively simple, as the owner of a sole proprietorship is personally entitled to all the profits and is responsible for all the liabilities arising from the business. ...

Hong Kong Taxation
All corporations carrying on any trade, profession or business in Hong Kong are chargeable to tax on all profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong from such trade, profession or business.

Kaizen's Corporate Services
Our services include registration of tailor-made company, readymade company, registration of Non-Hong Kong company, partnership and proprietorship and related accounting and tax filings; provision of nominee director and nominee shareholder, nominee company secretary; corporate account opening and virtual office.