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Belize Readymade Company Registration Procedures, Registration Costs and Annual Renewal Fees

Belize Ready-made Company Registration Procedures, Costs and Annual Renewal Fees

Belize Company mentioned in this article refers to International Business Company (Offshore Company) registered in Belize.

1.      Belize Company Registration Procedures

(1)     Step 1 - Confirming Order

Kaizen receives confirmation of registering a Belize Company though email or fax. If so requested, we will prepare and sign an engagement letter.

(2)      Step 2 - Providing Required Materials

Kaizen provides Belize Readymade Companies List though email, fax or post. Client should select at least 2 names with priority preference and inform us.
At the same time, the following materials should be provided to us either by fax or scan and email:
One photocopy of passport and residential addresses proof which issued not more than 3 months and in English (such as utility bill or telephone bill or bank statement) in respect of each shareholder; if shareholder is another corporation, please provide Certificate of Incorporation, latest registered office address proof, latest register of directors, latest register of members and register of ultimate beneficial owners, and the identity and residential address proof of each shareholder or Ultimate Beneficial Owner holding more than 10% of shares in that company;
One photocopy of passport and residential addresses proof which issued not more than 3 months and in English (such as utility bill or telephone bill or bank statement) in respect of each director; if director is another corporation, please provide Certificate of Incorporation and latest registered office address proof documents;
The latest organization chart certified by director for identification of ultimate beneficial owners;
A duly completed and signed Company Incorporation Order Form (Provide by Kaizen).

(3)      Step 3 - Checking Availability of the Selected Companies

Kaizen checks the availability of the selected companies. If available, Kaizen proceed accordingly. Otherwise, Kaizen will go back to client for more company and perform the availability search again.

(4)      Step 4 - Settling Invoice

Client receives invoice from Kaizen for the fee of purchasing the selected company and settle the invoice. It is suggested that client should keep and provide the payment advice for locating payment.

(5)      Step 5 - Preparing Other Incorporation Materials

After the company is purchased successfully, Kaizen attends to the followings:
Printing Memorandum and Articles of Association;
Prepare minutes of First Board Meeting;
Prepare Application for Allotment of Share(s) for each shareholder;
Prepare Consent to Act as Director for each director;
Update Register of Members;
Update Register of Directors;
Prepare Share Certificate;
Carve Common Seal and rubber chop.
(6)     Step 6 - Signing Document and Delivering Company Kit

Kaizen sends the incorporation documents to the client though email. Client should sign and return the scan copy to us. Then, Kaizen will arrange a delivery of the above documents/materials (together known as Company Kit) to client.

(7)      Step 7 - Confirming Receipt of Document

Upon receipt of the Company Kit, client should check and sign the acknowledgement of receipt and then either fax or scan and email a copy of the duly signed documents to Kaizen.
2.       Belize Company Registration Costs

Our fee for purchasing a shelf company together with the current year maintenance fee for a Belize company with a share capital no more than US$50,000 is USD1,250, excluding the delivery fee. In particular, the fee covers:
current year licence fee
current year registered agent fee
current year registered office fee
one company kit
application for tax identification number (TIN)
cost and our fee for purchasing the shelf company

The purchase fee together with current year maintenance fee for a company with a share capital more than USD50,000 is USD2,350.

If Chinese name is required, an extra USD200 will be charged.

3.       Time Frame

In general, the whole process could be finished in 2 weeks. However, the time required may subject to the actual situation of the Belize Authorities. The estimated time required is for reference only.

4.       Belize Company Maintenance Costs (Annual Renewal Fees)

The annual maintenance cost for the second year and thereafter for a Belize company with a share capital of no more than USD50,000 for second year onward is USD750 which covers annual licence fee, annual registered agent and annual registered office fees.

The annual maintenance cost for the second year and thereafter for a Belize company with a share capital of more than USD50,000 for second year and thereafter is USD1,900 which covers annual licence fee, annual registered agent and annual registered office fees.

Regardless the date of incorporation, the second-year annual maintenance fee is due for payment in April next year. Annual Maintenance Fee thereafter is due for payment in April each year.
5.       Other Services (Optional)



Fees (USD)


Hong Kong mailing address (Note 1)



Certificate of Incumbency



Certificate of Good Standing



CPA certification (per set)



Bank account opening (Note 2)


A service fee of USD7 plus actual delivery fee will be charged for each batch of mails forwarded.
This service includes opening one bank account in Hong Kong or Singapore. As the bank has the sole discretion on the approval, the success of account opening is not guaranteed.

For further information of Belize, please visit Introduction to Belize.

If you are interested of setting up a Belize IBC, please refer to Belize Company Registration Procedures and Fees.

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